Event — La Romanée Memories – Private Dinner Singapore
- tasting
- April 18 2021
- Ma Cuisine* Singapore
- 4200 SGD
Calling all great epicureans in love with Burgundy. Our tasting, under the guidance of our partners Anthony Charmetant & Mathieu Escoffier from Restaurant Ma Cuisine* will be composed of a 10 vintages vertical of the illustrious "La Romanée" (from 1998 to 1906), commented by Philippe Prost, ambassador for Bouchard Père & Fils.
To mark the occasion, a four courses menu paired with the tasting notes of the vintages will be concocted by Mathieu Escoffier and his team.
Champagne selected by Anthony Charmetant, Ma Cuisine Singapore served as an aperitif.
Four courses menu by Ma Cuisine will accompany the vertical of La Romanée from 1998 to 1906. Philippe Prost, Maison Bouchard's ambassador will join us online to share his knowledge throughout this historical tasting.
After the dinner, guests will be to enjoy and participate live to the "La Romanée Memories 1862 —2005" live auction held in Geneva, in order to experience the auction as if you were in the auction room.
Maison Bouchard Père & Fils La Romanée vintages :
- 1998
- 1997
- 1994
- 1987
- 1985
- 1984
- 1979
- 1977
- 1976
- 1906
an extra surprise will be served by Ma Cuisine.
Ma Cuisine* Singapore
38 Craig Rd,
Singapour 089676
Phone number : +65 6224 1838
Your reservation is firm and final upon receipt of a written confirmation from Baghera Wines.
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